Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summary of the newspaper article.

The News: Two more Singaporean women had reached the top of Mount Everest. They are Joanne and Lee Peh Gee,39 and 32 respectively, two days after three of their team-mates reached the peak of the 8850m tall mountain. Sim Yi Hui, 27, training facilitator at Raffles institution (Junior College), did not reach the summit due to chest pain

Opinions: Singapore has been progressing very well in the world for doing amazing things, like the above establishment. The 2 ladies who are Singaporean must have gone through a lot of difficulties and injuries during the excursion on Mount Everest. I salute them on doing their best to represent Singapore.
I think the world will be impressed for what Singapore, a little red dot, can do such amazing things that other people from foreign countries cannot do. When I grow up, I want to establish big things to be renown around the world.