Friday, June 5, 2009

The news : A kind-hearted store owner in the U.S. was robbed. The robber had a baseball bat as a weapon.The stall owner,from out of nowhere,took out a rifle and aimed it at the robber.The robber went down on his knees and begged the store owner for forgiveness and said he did not mean to do it and just did this to feed his family.
The stall owner pitied him and threw $40 at him,with a loaf of bread.When the owner wanted to hand the robber a carton of milk, the robber ran off.
Opinions:I think that the robber was very lucky to meet someone like that, to “donate” things to him even though he wanted to rob the owner.If I were the owner,I would have shot him in the leg ,so he could not escape.I think its a waste of time for the owner to “donate” to him,as when the police catches him,the $40 will not help.I think the owner will receive a medal of some sort to award him as he was kind to a person who might have killed him.He would be a good role model to children. Like the saying says in the bible,”Love thy enemy.”